OHL Contribution to International Magazine

OHL Contribution to International Magazine - OHL Featured in International Magazine

Recently, OHL was asked to contribute to an international publication, EXIT® Magazine 2018, which was dedicated to the theme "Mental Health: Benefits of Addiction Treatment for People, Communities and Governments." Exit Magazine is Dianova Portugal's external corporate online publication and this edition brought together 29 policymakers and experts from 22 countries in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa to give a comprehensive perspective on how mental health and addiction are being addressed by Governments, International Institutions and Civil Society.

Dianova is an international network comprising associations and foundations dedicated to the development of individuals, communities and organizations through a variety of programs and interventions in the social, health and humanitarian sectors. The Dianova network operates in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. Dianova has a large advocacy component and advocates worldwide on issues such as drug polices and addiction, social economy and third sector, refugees and migrants and gender equality and women’s empowerment. Dianova has an active presence in meetings organized by the United Nations and has focused on advancing treatment within the UN. OHL was honored to be asked to contribute to such an influential program.

Click here to read the complete EXIT® Magazine 2018: https://dianova.pt/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Dianova_EXIT_n31_2018.pdf
OHL’s contributions can be found on pages 58-60.